Stock Shop Buildout
After spending some time in the space, the design process started, as it often does, with a sketch. Our creative director, Mike, drew up a concept for the space and fashioned up a basic floorplan so that we could start building immediately. The design would incorporate cedar paneling and shelving, with black iron piping for racks and support columns for an industrial, but earthy feel.

Tim's father, Tom, took the lead on most of the construction. With him at the helm we were able to knock out most of the base elements of the buildout in only a few days. We salvaged some glass from the demolition, which we installed in the wall behind what would become the bar, to get at least a little bit of natural light in the back office.

Mike's parents came up over the weekend to help put together the front of the retail area.
After a whole lot of sanding, painting, staining, and hanging wallpaper, here's the finished product, ready for our grand opening: